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Zur Kasse

7 Ergebnisse.

Mir ist (fast) nie langweilig!

Milbourne, Anna / Gilland, Asa
Mir ist (fast) nie langweilig!
Wie geht Beschäftigung ohne Bildschirm? Mir ist LANGWEILIG! Dabei habe ich doch sonst immer was zu tun. Mein Papa behauptet, in der größten Langeweile kommen einem die BESTEN IDEEN. Aber mir fällt nichts ein - oder vielleicht doch? Dieses Buch erklärt, dass ein bisschen Langeweile manchmal genau das Richtige ist, um die Fantasie zu beflügeln. . Ein kleines Mädchen lernt ohne Medien ihre Zeit mit Fantasie zu füllen. Plädoyer dafür, Kinder zu ...

CHF 19.90

I'm (Almost) Never Bored

Milbourne, Anna / Gilland, Asa
I'm (Almost) Never Bored
I'm BORED!" wails a little girl after her screen time is cut short. "That's great!" her dad says with a grin. "Being bored comes right before having a Really Good Idea." After an initial protest, the little girl dives into her imagination, and takes the reader with her on a whirlwind ride of pure fun. A cardboard box becomes a magical train, the washing machine inspires an imaginary trip into space, a scribbly doodle becomes a hungry spaghetti...

CHF 25.90

I'm Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy

Milbourne, Anna / Gilland, Asa (Illustrator)
I'm Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy
This little girl sometimes finds it very hard to say hello. She struggles going into groups or parties and is very scared of starting a new school. However, when she shares her feelings, she learns that everyone feels shy sometimes - even her exuberant big brother! Shyness is just a feeling that will pass. This realization enables her to begin to find her own way to deal with new situations. She can just watch and listen until she is ready to ...

CHF 22.90

Ich bin (fast) immer nett!

Milbourne, Anna / Gilland, Asa
Ich bin (fast) immer nett!
Freundlich sein ist wichtig, aber nicht immer einfach - ein besonders nettes Buch Nett zu sein, ist superwichtig - wichtiger als ganz schnell laufen zu können oder alles zu wissen. Deswegen bin ich (fast) immer NETT. Aber was bedeutet "nett sein" eigentlich? Und warum ist es manchmal so schwierig? Dieses Buch erklärt auf verständliche Weise, wie man sich in andere hineinversetzt und warum Freundlichkeit ansteckend ist. Mit vielen Laserschn...

CHF 19.90

I'm (Almost) Never Bored

Milbourne, Anna / Gilland, Asa
I'm (Almost) Never Bored
I'm BORED!" wails a little girl after her screen time is cut short. "That's great!" her dad says with a grin. "Being bored comes right before having a Really Good Idea." After an initial protest, the little girl dives into her imagination, and takes the reader with her on a whirlwind ride of pure fun. A cardboard box becomes a magical train, the washing machine inspires an imaginary trip into space, a scribbly doodle becomes a hungry spaghetti...

CHF 23.90

I'm (Almost) Always Kind

Milbourne, Anna / Gilland, Asa (Illustrator)
I'm (Almost) Always Kind
Being kind is super important, but it isn't always easy. Using a goodhearted, enthusiastic little boy's perspective, a lot of sensitivity and a little gentle humour, this story explores the potential pitfalls of trying to be kind, and what being kind really means. To be truly kind, it turns out, you have to try to look at things from other people's points of view. Delicate laser cut holes accumulate as the pages are turned to show how kindness...

CHF 22.90